Posted by: dg1200 | December 29, 2009

Monday and some great news

A quiet day at home nursing a cold which has been coming since last week! finally it has arrived so all plans to go out have been dropped! That and the weather has put the planned golf on hold too

Worked on the DGs newsletter due this week and also my club visit speech for my own club. So many of them have driven me and heard the speech I normally do that I need to find something a bit different.

Last night I was chatting on Yahoo to one of my hosts from GSE, Tom Hale, a great friend. Tom now lives in Germany and he told me he had Onome’s[ one of the team] email address. I had heard that she was in Fuerteventura but did not have the details. I subsequently emailed her and received a message back immediately -she happened to be in an internet cafe at the time I sent my message. Great to catch up like this after so long too. She has been working in China for an NGO so I am looking forward to finding out a lot more about her travels.

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